Friday, September 28, 2007

Starting a Business

Starting a Business: Advice from the Trenches - an article by Kevin Potts

"If you’re like thousands of other designers, programmers and other
creative professionals out there, at one point in time you’ve
considered starting your own business. Unlike most, you’ve gone against
common sense and decided to open shop for yourself. And not just
freelance full-time, mind you, but file for the company name, get some
stationery, and wade through the legal mumbo-jumbo. Maybe even get a
real office with a water cooler."

This is a good article for those starting out on the journey For more see: -

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Sunday, September 09, 2007

Innovation Wave Introduction

Innovation Wave Introduction

"Your company’s future growth will only come through successful innovation." I couldn't agree more

"Leadership is critical to innovation success. Unless an initiative is seen to have support from the top it is not likely to be taken seriously." In a small business - you are the top and so this means you!.

"Creating the most appropriate leadership style and ensuring fit between strategic ambition, company culture and leadership style does not happen on its own accord." What is your leadership style? If you know it, how do you use it?

"It is also important to acknowledge the difference between management and leadership. " Too right it is! Quite different set of skills and purpose.

Professor Rob Goffee who says, “Leadership is about inspiring others to higher levels of performance.”

Just do it!

Innovation Oracle, the leaders in innovation capabilities, innovation benchmarks, innovation diagnostics and self assessments for SMEs

Innovation Oracle, the leaders in innovation capabilities, innovation benchmarks, innovation diagnostics and self assessments for SMEs

I went to University with Darryl and worked on earlier versions of his diagnostic tools. Innovation is being called the New Wave. Darryl foresaw this 20 years ago. Welcome to the new age.

My interest is of course entrepreneurship - the core activities of innovation are the creation of new value, assessment of the innovation and its application - different skills ably demonstrated by successful entrepreneurs whether in start up or improvement mode.